FAD v1 is my first prototype for a first aid drone. FAD V1 works very simply: The drone receives a GPS point as a target coordinate. If this GPS coordinate is within the range of the drone, FAD flies directly to this point and drops a first aid package. The drone then returns directly to the take-off point and lands.

Technical Structure
Basically, the drone is a normal quadcopter: four rotors provide the necessary thrust and the ability to maneuver. A flight controller provides the necessary control technology. A GPS and compass module provides the current GPS position and the direction of flight. in addition to a normal quadcopter, there is also a servo that releases the payload. The payload then sinks to the ground on a parachute.

Parts Required
1 x Flight Controller (Pixhawk or similar) 1 x GPS and Compass Module 1 x Receiver 4 x Motor with ESC 1 x Servo for Payload Release 1 x LIPO and PDP (Power Distribution Board)
Before the build, I did a quick check to see if my parts would fit my drive system in terms of weight: According to the manufacturer, the Emax 2216 with 900 kV at 11.1 V (3s) and a 10 inch propeller should provide around 600 grams of thrust, i.e. approx. 2.4 kg with 4 motors. That's not a lot, but it's enough if you don't build the drone too heavy.

All parts without the frame and the payload together weigh approx. 800 grams, so it should be possible to fly the drone with 3S (11.1V) powering the Emax 2216. Since only short test flights are planned anyway, flight duration and range only play a minor role.

Frame Construction
For weight and cost reasons i built the drone out of plywood. It's cheap and, above all, very easy to work with. I planned all the parts with Inkscape. As the 56 x 56 cm frame is too large for the laser cutter, i had to divide the main structure into several parts.

Payload Simulator
The drone does not have the power to really carry a package with sufficient weight for a first aid kit. As a payload simulator i have built a lightweight styrofoam box that can be fixed to the drone with a hook and also has a parachute attached.